Thursday, May 28, 2009

Unbelievable: ESPN's Phil Holland Says That Ronaldo Is Still The Best Player In The World. Vote Now At

"But did Messi do enough to wrest the crown from Ronaldo's head? Messi undoubtedly had the better game but Ronaldo exuded the same menace when on the ball and had Carrick not Xavi bossed the midfield it could have been a different result.

"Despite being a loser in Rome, Ronaldo still has the edge, for now at least. But that could all change when the official World Player of the Year votes are counted next January." (Source)


  1. This is ridiculous. Messi had a better Fall 2008 and a better Spring 2009.

  2. Hmm. Yes, we cannot forget this. Messi has been on a roll for quite some time. I don't know about having these awards for the calendar year. The Ballon and FIFA awards might be better off focusing on the European season. Therefore, right now Messi would clearly be the Best Player In The World. Phil Holland wants to wait for the FIFA announcement in January 2010 for the '09 Best Player? Come on. It is what it is. You are right: for 08/09 the Best Player is Messi. And he should wear that mantle until the next Best Player can show through a full season that he is the best.


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