Saturday, May 30, 2009

Sing It With Us: "El Zurdito": A Song About The Best Player In The World


"YOU know you've made it in life when someone writes a song about you. And we don't just mean a witty terrace chant, we're talking about getting a guitar out, going into the studio and pressing the record button, or whatever they do these days.

Step forward latin singer Ariel Prat, an Argentinian who has penned a little tune in honour of the world's greatest footballer, Cristiano Rona...sorry, Lionel Messi.

Prat has written a song called 'El Zurdito,' which translated means 'The little left foot.' Prat has included 'El Zurdito' on his new album 'Negro y Murguero.'

And having heard a blast of it, we have to say it's far better than the usual footballer-related rubbish.

But Prat has more of a right than most to be singing of great footballers. According to his website, he played in the same Argentinos Juniors team as one Diego Maradona. Naturally, 'El Zurdito' is also dedicated to the Hand of God himself."

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