Saturday, May 9, 2009

Dunne says Ronaldo is the Best Player in the World

Ahead of their Manchester derby on Sunday, City captain Richard Dunne has confirmed Cristiano Ronaldo's supremacy over all of the world's players.

"City captain Dunne, who will lead his side's attempts to keep the Portuguese star quiet, rates Ronaldo as one of the world's leading performers despite his reputation for going to ground too easily.''

'At times he can be running so fast any nick sends him tumbling. He makes the most of the situation, I suppose.'

'Some referees give free-kicks but some don't. He is the best player in the world and he plays the game to his advantage.'

'Diving or not diving, he's impossible to mark when he's on form.' (Source)

Hmm, given such talk, could Ronaldo turn the tide in our poll with a big performance in Rome?

And is there going to be enough "talk" around his performances to bring home the Ballon d'Or and World Player awards again later this year?

Well, it is only May.

The people are with Messi just now at but where will they be in December?

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